Fruit Peel / Garbage Enzymes

Posted: March 7, 2009 in Things To Do

I have never though about making fruit peel enzymes / garbage enzymes because I thought it will involve a BIG drum and having to exposed myself ( and my home) to  some unbearable odour during the process . But after finding out  from AhChern that I can actually do a small scale ‘production’ with the cookie container ( and one day when I was feeling extremely guilty about the amount of rubbish that I am generating), I decided to give it a try.

The ‘recipe’ is very simple : 10 part water : 3 part peel : 1 part sugar . You will need the following :


– fruit peel ( fruit skin or any fruit or vege waste , I have used : watermelon, cempedak, orange, rambutan, duku, dragon fruit, cucumber, capsicum, pineapple etc)- you can use a mixture of everything, or if you decide to be a purist, you can choose to prepare separate containers for different  types of fruits.

– sugar ( any form of sugar, black, brown, white, cane- whichever is cheaper)

-Clean plastic containers (now would be a good time to start making the enzymes, as after the new year, I am sure most household would have some plastic cookie containers lying around somewhere)




How to go about it :

1. Use the ruler to measure the container, leave about 2-3cm distance from the lid for the breathing space and divide the container into the following proportion 10:1 :3 ( you can weight the 3 ingredients according to the proportion too, but I find just a ‘rough’ measurement using the volume is sufficient )


2. Fill the container up to the ’10’ mark with tap water

 3. Add sugar until it makes up to the ‘1 part’ portion, agitate /stir  the solution until all the sugar has dissolved


4. Add fruit peel until it makes up to  ‘3 part’ portion, if you do not have enough fruit peel at the time, you can add to the container any other you have some.  (but the ‘counting of the duration’ will start from the date that you meet the ‘3 part’ mark)

NB1: surprisingly, although it’s sugar solution- there are no ants around the containers


5. I suggest for the first few days, stir the contents every day ( I use a chopstick) main reason is to get all the peels submerged and also to release the gases as you remove the lid  and after ~ 2 weeks, the peels will generally stay below the water level and you may choose to stop the regular stirring.


After about a month , I stir the contents once a week- mainly also to ‘check’ the progress- you may probably notice some yellowish/whitish (yucky) looking layer on the water surface, but after stirring, this will disappear.

NB2: the emitted smell can be  pleasant-depending on the fruit peels that you use. The one using cempedak smells heavenly and for one other container where I had added 1 piece of a  dried up  capsicum, the capsicum smell  overpowered the rest in the container)

6. the enzyme will be ready for harvest in 3 months time ( minimum)- you may leave it longer. The top layer will be clear and the bottom layer will be the ‘sediments/ peels’


7. Decant the top most layer ( which should be clear) into a container, and you can use a plastic sieve  to separate the peel from the liquid, or use a ‘towel’ , you may need to filter a few times to get a clear solution. ( Ahcherrn told me that the ‘used’-peel makes good fertilizer-but I think my potted plants didn’t react positively to it. ), Note: in the pix above, the 1st filter and the 2nd filter is made from different peels, hence the different colour of the  solution


8. The verdict -maybe due to the overselling of the benefits that it can clean so well against oil, stains , repel insects etc so, the effects was a bit of a disappointment when I first started out but after using it a for some time, I think the kitchen counter does look a bit shinier, the marble floors cleaner too and of course, there is the ‘feel-good’ factor of not creating more garbage for DBKL and less of chemicals discharge into the waterways.


9. AhChernn recommend -For moping flours, use a capful ( mineral water cap) of enzyme into a pail of water- ahiger concentration results in the floors being a bit ‘sticky’


Enzyme production , you can refer to the link here

How to produce and the various uses for the enzymes, click here

Article in The Star about this , click here  

  1. eve says:

    hey,really use it to mop floor har?how is the smell?can use it to make mask or not?

  2. pegasuskl says:

    Eve, the smell is not strong , it’s kinda fruity with probably a sharp acidic smell, which goes away when the floor is dry lah… yes, i use it to mop my floor : sometimes use the enzyme on it’s own, and sometimes add the enzymes to the floor cleaners.

    My friend said that she knows of people who use the enzyme to wash the face, wash the hair and also use the ‘top ( mouldy) layer’ as a face mask – with good results, but i dare not la, might be some microbes / organisme in the enzyme which i am not sure is all good !

  3. Genie says:

    can i not add in sugar for garbage enzyme?

  4. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Genie, in my posting, sugar was one of the ingredients mentioned . 10 part water : 3 part peel : 1 part sugar .

  5. Anonymous says:

    i m doing research on this 4 thesis…..wee….huray!!! need help

  6. charity says:

    Hi Pegasuskl,i m frm kota kinabalu, sabah. actually at my work place, we are just started 4months ago on this project. so far, it’s all good. and i like the sweet&sour like smell & in the same time u proud of urself in saving the ozone.

    well, today i m planning on harvesting the enzymes. The residue i can add some fresh fruits/vege to make new garbage enzymes. the liquid i m planning to keep it in smaller mineral water 500/600ml for future used. is it ok?

    thanks again!! have a great day!

  7. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Charity, thanks for dropping by and leaving a note. Yes, u can add fresh fruits/vege to the ‘old’ residues (i took mine out and use it as fertilizer for the potted plants( although i think the plants didn’t really look too good after that..oh oh, so i didn’t try do that after that particular attempt – maybe if for a larger area/ plot of land, it should be ok).I keep the liquid in the mineral water bottles too , so this should be ok, but i find that sometimes the bottles get ‘kemek’ after sometime and i then will open the cap and the bottle will get back to shape again.
    happy harvesting !!

  8. somebody says:

    can the enzyme remove the stains on teeth? and what kind of fruits peel are you using??

  9. somebody says:

    i meant like coffee stains on teeth…

  10. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Somebody- i am not sure can the fruir enzymes remove stains on teeth.I am not sure how ‘safe’ this is for consumption in terms of microorganisme / acidity of the enzyme etc . What i am using are fruit peels , which i hadn’t really cleaned ( as i meant to use the enzyme for household use only). I would suggest that you looked up some other information before attempting this. Sorry, i can’t help much.

  11. racy says:

    hi,i wonder how the enzyme can actually affect the growth hormone of a plant??? does it will make the fruits produced bigger or larger?? or the plant will grow higher???
    and if i fermented the enzyme by specifically lemon peel..does it will work too to enhance the plants’ growth hormone???
    for instance..plant A is growing by the help of the enzyme produced by lemon peel where as plant B is growing by using enzyme produced by pineapple peel… there any difference between these plants in terms of growth???

  12. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Racy, i have really no idea will the enzymes help plant growth and the effect of using different materials , i guess you will have to try it out, design the experiment , with controls, and set the various parameters -then see what happens ! you might discover something interesting and win a Nobel Prize !! 😀

  13. mella says:

    hi there… i am a student and currently using enzyme in my final year project. i mean garbage enzyme but we focused more on rotten fruit.. so may i know if there is by any chance a thesis or a literature statement or view or studies being made in this subject. i hope u can help and to racy, one of my senior try it on plant and it grows healthier than the one without enzyme.

    someone please help me.. thank you.

  14. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Mella, Thanks for the input about healthier plant growth. As for thesis or papers, i guess you have to do some work to run a search on this subject matter. can’t help much, sorry !

  15. Paolo says:

    won’t it attract flies?

  16. pegasuskl says:

    Hi Paolo, nope, the enzymes didn’t attract flies

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